Nevada was the first state to approve the testing of autonomous vehicles in 2011 and the first come up with a set of rules. 内华达州是在2011年第一个批准测试自动驾驶汽车的州,而且也是第一个制定一套相关规则的州。
The first state school for girls opened in 1873. 首所女子学校于1873年建成。
Instead, I'd rather require first state to be the first element in the state array. 相反,我更希望第一个状态是状态数组中的第一个元素。
For example, the first state might be "Develop" and be assigned to a developer. 例如,第一个状态可能是“Develop”,并且被分配给一个开发人员。
At this point, I do not like my decision to force the first state in the state machine to be called: initial. 此时,我并不想决定将:initial状态称为状态机的第一个状态。
The first state should, therefore, be within a price-list. 因此,第一个状态应该是位于price-list内。
President Bush vows to fight the "axis of evil" in his first State of the Union address. 布什总统在首次国情咨文报告中,誓要铲除“罪恶轴心”国家。
We will be the first state to authorize this in the world, Mr. Leigh added. 我们将成为世界上第一个批准该技术的国家,他还表示。
In early February, in his first State of the Union address, Mr Romney said: Enough is enough. It is high time for China to play by our rules. 2月初,罗姆尼会在自己的首个《国情咨文》(StateoftheUnion)演讲中表示:我们受够了,现在是时候让中国服从我们的规定了。
New South Wales New South Wales was the first State in Australia to be colonised by Europeans and subsequently was the first to grow the grapevine. 新南威尔士州是欧洲殖民者落户澳大利亚后建立的第一个州,香槟随后在这里种下了第一棵葡萄藤。
The children's bank is equipped with a special account in the Miami first state bank, its complete deposit and amount of family belongings loan all in above. 儿童银行在迈阿密市第一国家银行设有一个特别的账户,其全部的存款和贷款之数额家当全在上面。
Little Delaware is called the First State because it was the first state& the first to approve the new United States Constitution. 特拉华州被称为第一州(FirstState),因为它是美国第一个通过美国新宪法的州。
Next week marks the beginning of US voting season, as Iowans go to the polls in the first state primary contest, but designer have been preparing for this moment for a long time. 1月3日标志着美国投票季的开始,艾奥瓦州选民在这一天率先进行初选投票。不过,时装设计师们为这一刻已经准备了许久。
But playing to India's well-known weakness for flattery, he will honour it with his presidency's first state dinner later this month. 但奥巴马抓住了印度一个众所周知的弱点,那就是喜欢被人奉承:本月晚些时候,他将在上台后首次国宴中宴请印度领导人,以示敬意。
The first state is to initialize several essential variables, count the total question, and record the quiz start time. 第一个状态是初始化一些基本变量,计算总的问题数和记录测试的开始时间。
Mississippi in1902 was the first state to adopt a compulsory, state-wide primary law. 密西西比州于1902年首先通过带强制性的全州预选法。
California becomes first state to mandate gay history in curriculum. 美加州立法要求学校开同性恋历史课。
Queensland has become the first state to introduce the policy. 昆士兰洲已成为引进政策的第一个洲。
President Obama gave his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress tonight. 奥巴马总统今晚在国会参众两院联合会议上作了第一次的国情咨文演说。
Prior to his first state of the union address later this week, President Obama set to roll out some economic relief to America's cash-strapped middle class. 在本周晚些时候发表首次国情咨文之前,奥巴马总统计划为囊中羞涩的美国中产阶级缓解经济压力。
China was the first state to issue a law for science popularisation ( in2002), but it is a long way from achieving its objective of raising its citizens'level of scientific understanding. 中国是第一个颁布科学普及法的国家(2002年颁布),然而要达到其提高人民科学理解水平的目的还有很长的路要走。
The first state universities were founded at the end of the 18th century. 第一批州立大学建立于18世纪末期。
Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the United States Constitution. 1787年,特拉华成为批准美国宪法的第一个州。
Every election year Iowa gets lots of national attention because it is the first state to show which candidates it wants. 每次选举年,Iowa都会在全国引起注意,因为它是第一个有自己候选人的州。
The first state established beyond the river was the steamboat state of Missouri in 1821. 密苏里河那边建立的第一个州是1821年因汽船而通达的密苏里州。
The two countries are keen to unveil a deal over access to the agricultural and automobile markets during the first state visit to Japan by a US president since Bill Clinton in 1996. 两国都热衷于在奥巴马到访期间达成一份有关农业和汽车市场准入的协议,奥巴马此行将是自1996年比尔克林顿(billclinton)访日以来,美国总统首次对日本展开国事访问。
Tomorrow, the California State Senate's health committee will review a bill that, if passed, will make California the first state in the nation to create a live donor registry for kidney transplants. 明天,加利福尼亚州参议院健康委员会将审阅一项法案。该法案如果通过将使加州成为美国率先实行活体肾脏捐献注册的地区。
Opened in 1999, it is one of more than 130 charter schools in Minnesota, the first state to experiment with allowing privately established schools to educate children using public money. 双城学校创办于1999年,是美国逾130家特许学校之一。明尼苏达州是美国第一个进行实验、允许私立学校利用公共资金对儿童开展教育的州。
We wanted to first state that we are currently in the process of redesigning or adjusting many of the rogue talents and some of the new abilities. 我们首先想说的是我们正在重新设计盗贼的很多天赋和一些新技能。